Standing committees
Since 1991, the Synod has had nine standing committees ("Scripture and proclamation", "Diakonia, mission and ecumenism", "Legal matters", "Church, society and state", "Education, training and youth", "Budget", "Europe", "Protecting creation (environment and development)" and "Nominations"). In addition, at its first constitutive session the Synod elects ten members who - together with three representatives of the Church Conference - form the "Council Election Committee".
The committees perform a major part of the work of the Synod in specific areas. Each committee does preparatory work for the Synod debates on its own area. During the meetings of the synod, all the items on the agenda, including motions and petitions to the Synod, after being introduced and an initial debate in plenary, are referred to the relevant committees for discussion.
The outcome of the work of the committees is normally draft resolutions for discussion and ultimate decision by the synod. These may also take the form of a public declaration, of which the commonest form is a statement.