Bishop Fehrs: “Christmas throws another light on this world”

Christmas message from the acting Chair of the EKD Council

In the midst of so many gloomy news reports, in times of crisis and war, there is still reason for hope and confidence, according to Bishop Kirsten Fehrs, acting Chair of the Council of the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (Protestant Church in Germany - EKD). In her Christmas message she says: “Christmas throws another light on this world. How we have longed for this light! God counters all the fear and violence by humanness, by humanising the divine self. A small, unprotected baby boy in the manger. And with him comes the crazy hope that this is the start of something completely new, which will save us.”

When peace and security are shattered the pain is all the greater, the bishop continues. “Every refugee in our country, every homeless person can tell their story.” And currently war is raging in too many places in the world. I look with concern at Israel and also Bethlehem, the small town in the middle of the occupied territories: how are the children there doing, I wonder? What will happen to those being born in Bethlehem right now? How terrible was the experience for the Israeli children held captive in cellars and tunnels by Hamas terrorists? And: who is supplying the little ones in the Gaza Strip with clean water, bread and medicine? Every modern war is a humanitarian disaster, under which the civilian population suffers most.” So, Bishop Fehrs suggests, it is important to pray for all those who suffer but also to take action.

“We must not slacken in our efforts! With bread for the world, but also with our clear conviction: Never again antisemitism! We must never forget that this light-bringing child in the Bethlehem manger is a Jewish child. It was from him that Christianity arose. And, with it, Jesus’ clear instruction to respect the dignity of children, and to firmly show the door to the world’s warlords.” That is exactly why the angels – ever and undeterred - sing their “Fear not!”, the redeeming melody in an unredeemed world, the acting Council Chair asserts.

And she longs for the mystery of the Holy Night in her Christmas message: “It is the tenderness. The direct gaze. The comforting words. The music. The special light! May this mystery of the Holy Night arouse in us the longing to imagine not just what is possible but also what is impossible – and to act upon it! To raise our voices against hatred and fear. And to strongly engage for the protection of children in future.”

“It is precisely amid all the strife,” the bishop concludes, “that we need this festival. We need the Christmas courage of the angels, who with defiant hope sing their ‘Peace on Earth’. We need the Christmas light to illuminate us and strengthen our longing.”

Hanover/Hamburg, 22 December 2023

EKD Press Office

Annika Lukas