The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Namibia and South Africa invite German-speaking expatriates living in these countries to join in worship and fellowship. Even though these churches rely on the theological training institute in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, for their supply of pastors - an institution which is jointly operated by affiliated Lutheran churches - they still depend on German-speaking theologians sent from Germany by the EKD.
In twelve other countries (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) German-speaking Christians gather for worship and church functions. In all the congregagations where the need arises, pastors sent by the EKD also offer confirmation classes or give religious instruction in schools.
In view of the notorious difficulties and challenges that have to be faced in Africa, the EKD feels a particularly strong sense of solidarity with the local churches there, with the national church councils, and the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) in Nairobi, Kenya. Special attention is given to dialogue on relevant theological, ecclesiastical and socio-political issues. The Africa desk channels inquiries and requests from churches in both Africa and Germany and acts, in co-operation with church development agencies, as an advocate for the African continent on various political and church levels.