Shaping Migration in a Humane Manner
Joint statement by the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany and the German Bishops’ Conference
War and violence, but also the consequences of climate change are some of the reasons why more and more refugees seek protection and a new home in Germany and Europe. There is agreement by a large part of society that Germany is a culturally diverse country of immigration.
Immigration leads to pluralisation and diversification. Integration and solidarity are in demand in a migration society in order to enable social participation and a feeling of belonging. Yet guaranteeing human dignity and societal cohesion and shaping cultural diversity is linked with many challenges, not only regarding pluralism in our own country. Internationally as well, while some developments towards more global justice are encouraging there are also threatening tendencies towards closing borders and conflict.
With the Joint Statement, the churches want to give guidance for the difficult task of shaping migration in a humane manner under imperfect, contradictory conditions.
Readiness to show solidarity towards refugees
Migration is a highly complex matter. It is always about real people with their concerns and hopes, about international contexts and often involves difficult decisions. It is about questions that are deeply linked to Christian faith. In Germany there is still a great readiness to show solidarity towards refugees. That gives cause for confidence, the ecumenical document underlines.
The document contains biblical and theological reflections, socio-ethical considerations, as well as historical, sociological and legal viewpoints. It paints a nuanced picture of the complex reality of the migration event and clarifies the positions of the churches.
The final chapter looks at the diverse aspects of church action in the migration society in the form of action points. It is important e.g. to give migrants pastoral care, to counteract racism, assert refugees’ rights and, depending on the case, also accompany their return in a responsible way.
Who is this booklet for?
Addressees are church and society.
- Church congregations
- Pastors
- Discussion groups
- Policy-makers
- interested members of the public
- Educational activity: adult education centres, conference centres

Germany is a country of immigration. Wars and the consequences of climate change are some of the reasons why more and more migrants seek protection and a new home in Germany. The process of guiding and shaping the migration process entails conflict potential and major challenges. On the basis of biblical and theological insights, socio-ethical reflections and church experience, the Joint Statement highlights the complex connections in this issue and gives guidance for the human shaping of migration.
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